Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday, March 27

Did you get your pictures taken yesterday? Did you enjoy going on the photo scavenger hunt? Why do you think I had you take those types of pictures?

Yes I got my pictures taken yesterday. I enjoyed going on the scavenger hunt for photos. It was fun and different and I liked it. I have no idea why you had us take those types of pictures. Maybe to help us understand different perspectives? I enjoyed it very much though. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, March 25

What do you know about photography? When you take pictures what kind of camera do you use? Do you use your cell phone? Do you own a digital camera that is not your cell phone? Explain.

I don't know a lot about photography. I don't know any of the terms or anything. Whenever I take pictures, I usually take them with my phone. On occasion I use a digital camera, but not very often. Most of the time the only camera I have available is the camera on my cell phone. I use a digital camera whenever my mom wants me to take some kind of pictures for her. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24

Monday, March 24

Welcome back! How was your Spring Break? Tell me all about it. You've been out of school for 10 days so I know you will have plenty to share. Make it good!

This spring break I went to Florida with 3 of my friends, Kayla, Hannah, and Cassidy. Kayla's dad brought us there. We went to Clearwater Beach and were there for 6 days. We hung out at the beach, walked around, went shopping, met new people, and went to Busch Gardens. It was a lot of fun! Then when I got back I had a concert, the Lorde concert. The concert was a ton of fun! Overall, my spring break was pretty great. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday, March 6

Prepare yourself... I want you to really THINK about this blog post. I mean really use your brain. What is the significance of an infographic? What is the point of pairing graphics and information together? What impact can this have on a reader or viewer. EXPLAIN.

The significance of an infographic is to really explain to someone, in depth about a certain topic. It uses both graphics and information because that is two different ways of learning. It gives you both a visual of what you are saying, and words describing more in depth about that visual. This impacts the reader because some people are better visual learners, so it gives those readers an option to understand the way that they like to. Some people learn better by reading text, and an infographic includes that in it. It appeals to many different people who learn in a variety of different ways. It is way to get what you're trying to say across in more than one way. 


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday, March 4

If you had the option of writing a 3 page paper or creating an infographic - which one would you choose? Explain yourself.

I would rather create an infographic. I'd choose this because it is a lot more fun and exciting, you don't just type paragraphs. It doesn't bore you like a paper would. You can be as creative as you want with it, you have a lot of options. Also, you can include just as much information in an infographic as a paper, so it's overall more appealing to me.